Module 6 Homework

In this homework, we're going to extend Module 5 Homework and learn about streaming with PySpark.

Instead of Kafka, we will use Red Panda, which is a drop-in replacement for Kafka.

Ensure you have the following set up (if you had done the previous homework and the module):

For this homework we will be using the files from Module 5 homework:

Start Red Panda

Let's start redpanda in a docker container.

There's a docker-compose.yml file in the homework folder (taken from here)

Copy this file to your homework directory and run

docker-compose up

(Add -d if you want to run in detached mode)

Question 1: Redpanda version

Now let's find out the version of redpandas.

For that, check the output of the command rpk help inside the container. The name of the container is redpanda-1.

Find out what you need to execute based on the help output.

What's the version, based on the output of the command you executed? (copy the entire version)

v22.3.5 (rev 28b2443)